Where To Watch

Stream our main broadcast channel and all of our livestream channels including MCN Music, MCN Arts, and MCN Community from our home page on any device at MCN6.org

Search for “MCN6” our Roku channels on your smart TV and install to get access to 24 hour streaming.

Watch us on cable channel 6 in the Twin Cities metro area or check your local cable listings for additional available channels.
MCN6 will soon be available through many other platforms including (OTT) Over The Top Television providers, Apple TV Amazon Fire Stick, Sling, and Chromecast.
- 2.4 million of the 3.6 million people in the Twin Cities metro area use cable and cable +/OTT streaming services.
- 1.6 million viewers have cable tv in the Twin Cities metro area.
- Minneapolis-St.Paul (DMA) Designated Marketing Area ranks 15th in the nation for cable penetration.
- Cable home penetration is 48.3%. Cable +/OTT penetration is 73.4%.
- 60% or 1.4 million viewers on average are watching cable and cable +/ OTT during prime time hours.
- We estimate that roughly 14,000-20,000 viewers are watching MCN6 during prime time hours.
- On average, FB live streaming reach ranges from 300-25,000 viewers depending on page’s existing followers and specific airtime.